Thursday 23 October 2008

Not quite the weekend

Well, it's Thursday and we are well on the way to the weekend. Today has been inordinately dull. I have been working with my sole employee recoding responses to a questionnaire that is to say the least dull. the only thing that tended to light up proceedings was the inanity of some respondents comments. But such is the life of a social researcher.

I am also bearing some underlying mild anxiety as my ex-wife is to go into hospital next week for a major operation. (We may be divorced, but we are friends, thus I am a little concerned).

On a more upbeat note, the weekend is coming and I am really looking forward to a lie in on Saturday (how exciting am I, one asks?), and I have got medium term plans to refurnish parts of the house before Christmas.

Christmas promises to be busy; I already have my step-son at home and my son will be coming back from university. My eldest daughter, her husband and their two small children are coming to me for Christmas, as is my ex-wife and probably my other daughter and her husband. Please send chairs is the new warcry.

I make it sound as if I am worried over the logistics of it, but I am not. I am really looking forward to having a houseful of people; it will make a glorious change from the quietness of just me and my step-son.

I may post later today on the farcical mess that corporate capitalism has got itself (and all of us) into through its culture of greed and irresponsibility and the ideological and misplaced obsession in Western democracies with economic growth, but that will be later, as now it is almost tea time.

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