Monday 17 November 2008

Monday again already

Firstly, many apologies for not writing anything for a few days; I have been ridiculously busy. We had to get a questionnaire agreed and 2000 copies printed within a very short timespan (due in part to the client taking ages to agree the script). This meant a working weekend last weekend and a a busy week to follow. A busy week made more stressful by the fact that City Link lost our questionnaires and then took them to the wrong part of the country. They were supposed to go to Dover and eneded up in Manchester. Still, it eventually got sorted and I am sure everything will be fine. It did mean that I was pretty knackered by the weekend and am only just getting back to normal now.

It was a sad weekend. As well as York City's customary defeat, the Arsenal suffered a shock defeat to Aston Villa, and, to add insult to injury, West London Russian Blood Money, and the Trafford Red B******s managed to scrape lucky wins. It all seems very unfair. For example, referees should be firmer with Cristiano Ronaldo and send him off every time he plays for being an obnoxious object with an offensive face, whilst on the West London front, one hopes that Frank Lumpolard can be given some help to improve his face that he may be enabled to smile, and possibly even learn to speak a language that at least approximates to English. Perhaps I am being unfair, the Premiership was never about 'the beautiful game' but always about lining the pockets of football mercenaries, but one can always hope that the Wenger way will prevail over hackeyed outdated attributes like 'workrate', 'aggression' and 'no-nonsense defending'; and, where there is life there is hope.

But I digress. I have a couple of significant events before Christmas; I am going to a Leonard Cohen concert in Manchester on November 30th, and it is Catherine's birthday on December 1st. Then the countdown to Christmas can really begin. I always look forward to Christmas with almost childish enthusiasm and almost always end up at least slightly disappointed. It is always a family time and I have never not had my family around me at Christmas; that is not a disappointment. But it always seems to come and go before I realise; that is the disappointment. Anyway here's hoping, and here's hoping that this week at work will be a little less hectic than last week.

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