Friday 30 January 2009

A Warning from History???

We have a world-wide recession and all the expected sort of shit has begun to energe from the mouths of the vicious and the stupid. We have so-called social commentators and half-baked economists talking about the UK being the worst placed of the Western Democracies to cope with the recession, and some are even blaming the government. That is cheap, underhand and nasty, and fails to mention that for 15 years the UK was the fasted growing economy in Europe. We need a much more responsible opposition that Wavy Davy's bunch of half-baked nobodies. I mean, honestly, what on earth do Dave or Georgie know about anything. Sadly, about as much as Adolf and Hermann knew, and look what happened there.

The utter bilge that these people spout is now having serious ramifications. The working-class, on the surface at least, appears to be lurching to the far-right. The workers at Killingholme, may their souls rot, are actively blaming foreign (Italian and thus EU) workers for taking their jobs, (jobs that were recently created by an American company and not already existing jobs). They appear to have support up and down the country and even seem to have the support of Amicus (to their eternal shame).

I was brought up as a Trades Unionist and a socialist and always believed that the Unions' role was to fight for the rights of the workers, not to set one group of workers against another. That is surely the role of the Tories.

Let us hope this appalling right-wing tub-thumping ends soon, or people losing their jobs or their houses will be the least of our troubles.

Workers of all countries unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains!!!